Campfire - Wisdom of the Stones
evening 26th July.

Stones are the record keepers of the earth. They have a voice. This evening we share ancient wisdom about stones, stone circles and do some exercise to get familiar with a deep connection we have with stones.

In many indigenous and natural traditions, stones are seen as recordkeepers, holding all the earth's information. Stones can absorb information and store it like a library. 
In the early days, we were all connected through stones. We made stone circles worldwide, some famous being Stonehenge and Avebury. 

These circles had many purposes, like ceremonies and a communication network connecting us. They can be compared to a kind of Wi-Fi in the old days. 

Stone circles have always carried the values of the community; they are a strong reminder of our inner value structure. 

Stones circles speak a language older than words, inviting us to listen to our hearts and the wisdom of the ages.

This form of communication is best described as a heightened feeling and sense, a doorway within ourselves that, when opened, allows for the reception of reconnection and messages (your 6th sense).

This connection extends beyond human interactions to encompass every form of life.
Stone circles serve as one of the keys to unlocking this intrinsic and authentic connection within ourselves, fostering a conscious link to all life.

Danny experienced profound and visionary moments throughout his life, with one vision revealing stone circles as a 'new way' to reconnect with nature. 

The true significance of these moments became clear when Hélène and Danny collaborated on their shared vision in the Firekeeper Academy. Their teachings bring together ancient and natural wisdom to enrich and strengthen the values and leadership within communities and businesses.

Hi, we are Danny & Hélène.

Known as Transformational Pioneers. With therapy, coaching, and leadership backgrounds, we blend ancient and natural wisdom with modern techniques to guide you.

For decades, we've helped individuals and groups grow, connecting them to a powerful yet simple and new approach to coaching and leading. Our method is all about tapping into nature's wisdom. By embracing values, we offer a clear path through life's challenges, empowering you to transform and thrive.

Join us and discover a new way forward, opening new possibilities in yourself and your field of work.


This workshop is hosted by Jacqueline at her amazing place in Switzerland.

CH – 8143 Uetliberg - Zürich
For directions in German Click here 



- July 26th

- Start at 19.00 until 21.00

- Wear comfortable cloths

- Register below to join this unique and inspiring evening of the Wisdom of the stones.

Wisdom of the stones.
Experience how your body reacts when making a concious connection with stones.

Wisdom of the stone. evening program July 26th.


Wisdom of the Stones July 26th 2024 â‚¬ 44,-

(single payment) 

Extra: Session â‚¬ 50,-

one on one session of 30 minutes. 

Total â‚¬ 44,-

Total (combined price) â‚¬ 199,-

(21% vat included € 18,91) 

Thank you for being you.

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