Ready to raise your Emotional Intelligence?

To Inspire Change & Lead with Impact

We help individuals, leaders and organisations to follow the path of natural leadership and inner wisdom. 


Embrace Transformation, create a sustainable future 

At Firekeeper Academy, we understand the complexities and challenges of personal and professional growth. Our mission is to guide you through a holistic journey that intertwines practical, emotional, and mythological layers of transformation. We call this unique state the Liminal Space—a place where profound change happens, values come alive, and your true story unfolds.

The 6 driving elements of transformation           

Ignite Your Inner Fire
Fire is a universal symbol of energy, transformation, and community. We use the wisdom of fire to foster connection and conversation. Fire represents our inner core, the place of centering and surrender. Practical exercises will help you stay centered, enabling personal and collective growth.


Wheels of Growth and Values
The Wheel of Growth outlines the steps of consciousness evolution, making it easier to understand and integrate personal growth. The Wheel of Values is a compass guiding you through life, helping to  connect deeply with our purpose.


Reconnect with Nature
Nature operates on three levels: the tangible world of forests and wildlife, the emotional resonance we feel with nature that brings harmony and kindness, and the unseen, intelligent force that connects us to a larger narrative. At Firekeeper Academy, we help you reconnect with nature's wisdom, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the natural world.


Harness Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the cornerstone of effective leadership and personal development. It includes self-awareness, social awareness, group EI, and ancestral and future EI. By developing these aspects, you will learn to navigate life with clarity and purpose.


Discover Liminal Space
Liminal Space is the threshold between what was and what will be. It's a transformative zone where old boundaries dissolve, and new potentials emerge. Here, you will connect deeply with your emotions, thoughts, and purpose, experience the freedom to create new realities, and navigate through uncertainty with guided support.


Live by Your Values
Values are the logs of your inner fire, innate and connected to your purpose. At Firekeeper Academy, we help you identify and live by your core values, use them as a compass, and connect with your deeper purpose through listening and inner reflection.

Become a Transformational Leader

We equip individuals, communities, and organizations with tools to lead with wisdom and compassion. Our approach integrates ancient wisdom with modern insights, helping you develop intuition and group dynamics understanding, inspire and positively impact the world, and stay true to your path while fostering personal and collective growth.

Your Journey Starts Here

Join Firekeeper Academy to embark on a transformative journey. Together, we will explore the depths of your emotional intelligence, reconnect with nature, ignite your inner fire, and live by your values. 

Programs & Events

Switzerland workshop 

Creating a Stone Circle near Davos.

Join us in this week from 29th August until 3rd October.
Become a concious leader and experience how to make this deep earth connection.
A deep heart nourishing journey.


12+1 Workshop

Define your innate values and create your Medicine Wheel Of Personal Values in this 3-part workshop.
Discover how your Emotional Intelligence gets form in daily life.


Natural Leadership

Join us for a 12-month journey of personal growth and discovery. Unlock your inner leadership.
Each week we connect deeper to our human potential.


Natuuropstellingen - the voice of nature - September 8th, Nederland in-person event

Learn to tune in to the voice of nature as it resonates with us, guiding us towards deeper understanding and connection.


Our Podcast.

Every month we answer a question that is send to us via the newsletter.
We share the ins and outs of the topic. Just as plain and simple as it comes to us in the moment. 
We brainstorm, think, feel and have fun with the question and answers.
Enjoy our insights in life.


Who We Are

Danny Vader and Hélène van Engelen.

They are the founders of the Firekeeper Academy.
Together, they hold enormous wisdom rooted in their professional and spiritual experience. They have 30 years of experience in banking, IT, consultancy, the health industry, and as therapists. Their journey is not just professional but deeply spiritual, drawing inspiration from indigenous cultures and the profound teachings of nature. 



 Subscribe to our newsletter and join the Community Fire of the Firekeeper Academy. We will share new insights, empowering tools, teachings, and updates on upcoming events.